Tuesday, November 15, 2011

From Urban Chic to Green Design - Trends for 2012

Courtesy of: IMM Cologne News

Escaping from the hectic pace of everyday life, shifting down a gear and enjoying the evenings and weekends in your very own green oasis: for a growing number of people, the garden, patio or balcony is their favourite place for getting away from it all for a while. And that means having a comfy place to sit too.

The Nordic maritime look with its clear but cosy shapes is particularly popular for outdoor furniture right now. And in view of Scandinavia’s coastal climate, it’s perfectly acceptable for the tables and chairs to look a little rough. When it comes to patterns, stripes and various shades of blue are popular. At the same time, romanticism is experiencing a renaissance: a growing number of manufacturers are going for a dreamy look. The trend is dominated by playful creations and gently flowing forms, along with combinations of charming details, floral designs and old-style patterns. The City Style is also featuring on the outdoor stage as a countertrend to the romantic look and favours flamboyant, design-oriented shapes. Loungers and couches are characterised by a puristic straightforwardness and elegance and many of the material combinations include stainless steel. When it comes to colours, white, sand and brown shades will continue to dominate in 2011/12. And green is a must. The trend colour of the last fashion season is now conquering balconies and patios too, with manufacturers banking on bright shades like lime and apple green.

All this was on show at the spoga+gafa garden and leisure show at Cologne Exhibition Centre from 04. – 06.09.2011. The announcement that the leading garden trade fair would be returning to a yearly cycle proved a complete success. “The presence of top-notch international decision-makers from all channels is convincing evidence that spoga+gafa is the leading international forum for the garden and leisure market,” says a satisfied Metin Ergül, Vice President at Koelnmesse GmbH.

This success is borne out by the figures: 1,774 providers from 57 countries were represented at the garden show – an overall increase of more than 50 percent as compared to 2009. The number of visitors rose by more than 40 percent to 36,300 trade visitors from 106 countries. 59 percent of visitors and 81 percent of exhibitors came from abroad. “The abundance of innovations and excellent presentations by numerous top brands from all segments contributed a great deal to the high level of quality the trade fair presented,” adds Ergül. “Time to grow turned out to be a very appropriate motto for this excellent fair.”

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